Report on HPL tools from JSO in Holz + Möbel 02/2022
In the Holz + Möbel issue 02/2022 from Kuhn Fachverlag GmbH & Co. KG, there is a report on special tools from JSO that have been specially developed for machining HPL laminates...
Read more … Report on HPL tools from JSO in Holz + Möbel 02/2022

Nestingfräser DIAMATIC Top Z4 Fräser
Durch den Einsatz des Nestingfräser Diamatic Top Z4 Fräser von JSO konnte die Möbeltischlerei Mobili Art www.mobili-art.de bei der Bearbeitung von beschichteten Spanplatten eine enorme Produktionssteigerung erkennen. Dabei spielt bei dieser Anwendung die Vorschubgeschwindigkeit von 40m/min die ausschlaggebende Rolle....

IDEAL for nesting operations on plasterboard with the VHW Gigaspeed Nestingfräser from JSO
Efficiency in the nesting process Work economically with the VHW Gigaspeed nesting cutter from JSO...

Tools for HPL processing
The HPL brochure, with all the information on JSO tools specifically designed for HPL materials, is now also available in English....

Well-deserved retirement for production manager Werner Scherer
The JSO team says goodbye to Werner Scherer, our long-time production manager. Mr. Scherer was with JSO for 21 years, and from 2014 to 2021 he was production manager, first in Oberkochen and later in Elchingen....
Read more … Well-deserved retirement for production manager Werner Scherer

The dds magazine for furniture and finishing reports on JSO tools
In the November issue of the trade magazine DDS Möbel und Ausbau you will find a report on #machine tools from JSO for #layered materials - Especially for #HPL The magazine points out how important HPL laminates have become for interior and exterior surface production and...
Read more … The dds magazine for furniture and finishing reports on JSO tools

New Milling & Machining Center
The new milling & machining centre from MATSUURA Machinery GmbH will be used in future to produce the basic bodies of our milling tools and drilling tools. It is an essential part of our milling cutter and drill production. The steel base bodies are given...

New Milling & Machining Center
The new milling & machining centre from MATSUURA Machinery GmbH will be used in future to produce the basic bodies of our milling tools and drilling tools. It is an essential part of our milling cutter and drill production. The steel base bodies are given...

JSO now also on LinkedIn
Follow us now at LinkedIn and stay informed about all the latest news in quality tools from JSO....

ISO 9001:2015 surveillance audit successfully passed.
The surveillance audit confirmed that all sales, production and quality processes in the company were carried out in accordance with standards. So you can continue to look forward to the highest quality from JSO!
Read more … ISO 9001:2015 surveillance audit successfully passed.